СБЕР Платные дороги(SBER Toll Roads)


It was a transnational co-operative project where he and his team members worked together to complete a research on toll road projects in Russia.

This is a transnational cooperation project in which ten students (includes Shengjie Song) from Beijing Normal University (BNU) and the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) work together to complete a project programme on toll road practices in Russia.

Results: Final Report , Certification.

Personal Story

When I first interacted with my new Russian friends, the main barriers were language and culture. We humorously noted that even though we were face-to-face, we could still plot loudly in our native languages and then conspire in English. When we exchanged visits to each other’s countries, they found the pearls in Chinese bubble tea to be chewier and promised to gift us a Matryoshka doll when we visit Russia.

Assisting a Moscow bank with proposals for toll roads was challenging. We initially thought we could simply apply successful Chinese models, but as they explained the Russian context, we realized their development was far beyond our expectations. Despite these differences, we found common ground and successfully completed this international collaboration.